This is for women , women like me and believe me there are plenty of them.
Just approaching my 60th birthday and my husband unceremoniously dumped me for a younger model. Being left at any age is devistating , but when your in your senior years , when you’ve planned your retirement with your partner then it’s monumental
It would have been so easy to just bury myself, give up on life and for a short while I did. It was my daughter who brought me to my senses, telling me in no uncertain terms that she couldn’t stand to watch me give up , she said I was slowly dying before her eyes. That was really the catalyst for me, that’s when I decided to turn my life around .
Now ladies and I know there are many , take stock of your life , realise that your freedom is precious, you can do or be whatever you want . The most exciting thing about my life now is the knowledge that I don’t need a man in my life , I might want one but that’s so different to needing , that’s my choice . I’m independent, successful, happier than ever
I’m proud of who I’ve become , proud of my dominance , my ability to keep men at my feet. So ladies , don’t think being single means being unfulfilled. The world is your oyster , use it wisely